Monday, 21 June 2010

Crackdown 1 & New One Crackdown 2

Crackdown 2 Demo is Brilltant Free Roam World Map and Which u Can Earn 100 Gamerscore Achievement, b4 Thry Release Full Version, l think that will properly be best game release in future, u worth try it and download demo on yr xbox, try got earn those achievement on 30min demo time.

Crackdown 1 it previous game CRACKDOWN i been play it long time ago, l think it was big fun , can jump to tower and jump to in sea which earn achievement too l think most difficult mission was Shai-Gen Gang lot red Tower, hard get old man death on rooftop of Red Tall Tower, l been complete it l feel cool, l cant wait CRACKDOWN 2 create big something happen!!!!

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Red Dead Redemption Xbox 360

Red Dead Redemption Limited Edition, l got it and very brilltant game ever see it. I Think it Sandbox Open World Map, Ride a Horse choose anywant to mission, help people , kill a bad guy, hunted a wanted person 4 earn a cash, hunted kill a wildlife animal, kill them 4 sell them meats, Fur, Skins 2 general stores and earn a cash!, can on Train to other City, or Rural Desert, Farm House, and can play a Poker & Blackjack game. l should u worth buy it. but what about a Achievements ohh it bit hard and long time got compled get all Achievements!